French Drains

A well-trained and experienced contractor that you can hire for French drain installation is Vinny & Son Contracting. We are a family-owned and -operated contracting company with decades of experience in the installation of various types of drainage systems for residential and commercial properties. Our licensed and certified crews can design and build French drains for clients from Queens, NY and surrounding areas. Give us a call at (718) 539-0524, and let us design and build a highly efficient and long-lasting drainage in your property.
Experienced Installers of Drainage Systems
Hiring experienced drainage installers like us will always give you peace of mind. You are assured that the materials and installation methods are in compliance with federal and local regulations. Since drainage systems require digging and installation of pipes, it is crucial to get reputable contractors that possess a consistent record of construction safety. At Vinny & Son Contracting, we have highly skilled crews who have undertaken extensive training in drainage design and installation. They’ve been helping us build reliable French drains and other types of drainage systems for homes and commercial properties across New York.Well-Designed French Drains
A French Drain is one of the best drainage systems for residential properties. Originally, a French Drain is just dug as a mere ditch covered with rocks. During the 1800s, the term was made popular by a guy named Henry Flagg French, therefore the title "French drains." His version of the French drain included roofing tiles in the trenches to serve as drainage. Later on, these roofing tiles evolved to special perforated pipes (weeping tiles). Today, the trenches will often contain these perforated pipes surrounded by gravel or sand to help redirect the water flow efficiently.When you hire us to install French drains in your property, we will create a custom design plan to address your drainage needs. For example, we identify the best spot for the drain exit to prevent flooding incidents in your driveway, sidewalk, landscape or your neighbor’s yard. Our people will inform you of the correct location options for installing your French drain system. We will also consider the size of the drainage to counter the expected volume of surface runoffs. We use permeable materials like non-woven fabricated filters and envelopes (can be gravel, sand, rock) to improve water flow.